Tuesday, March 11, 2014

About Me Going Green


This is a fun tag that was started by Rachel of All Natural Aspirations , and I first saw it on Naturalla Beauty by Caitie . It looked like a fun way to get to know me better.

Image by Mary B

What started it all off for you?
Right now I am a nutrition major at Mesa Community College with plans to attend Arizona State University to become a Registered Dietitan. One of the classes I am taking is a Sustainable Foods Cooking class, and it has been an amazing eye opener in the terms of  not just what good food exactly is, but what it does for us, how it nourishes not just our bodies, but our souls and gives us our wellness. Just recently I learned about Slow Foods and I am really interested in the whole sustainable foods concept. That's the nutrition side of #going green, which led me to and I pretty much have believed this, that if we are what we eat, then we most certainly are what we put on our body. If I'm not going to eat chemicals and pesticides anymore, why would I put them on my skin and on my body!

What was the first thing to go? (Ingredient or product)
I've been reading up on SLS, so I went through and tossed just about everything away. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap...if any product had it in it...out it went.

What are you or what did you struggle to let go of? Two things were hard for me to let go of, my Neutrogena Grapefruit Oil-Free Acne wash Foaming Scrub, and my MAC eyeshadows. The face scrub is the only thing I have found that fixes and treats my hormonal acne quickly, and the MAC eyeshadows, I love their colors.

What has been the worst thing about going green ?What I've been trying out, is cutting out all the foods that aren't good for me. It started with all sodas and diet sodas, it took me forever, but any soft drink with artificial sweetners I don't drink anymore. I switched out my white sugar with turbinado sugar, and I don't eat cheese anymore, which has been really hard, because I LOVE cheese, and only whole grains, I use whole wheat pastry flour, brown rice, barley and soba noodles. On the makeup side, it has to be investigating all the products available to me and finding which one's work well for me. If anyone can suggest a great eye liner product, I can't live without it! 

What has been the hardest to transition or find an adequate green replacement of?
The hardest transition for me has to be tapering off my coffee, and that I only have one glass of wine with dinner. For finding an adequate green replacements, again, anyone have any great suggestions!!
Anything else to add? Any tips or tricks to pass on?

One of my favorite things that has helped me cut back on my coffee, is drinking warm water, lemon, and cayenne pepper. It's been amazing how much I've cut back, I'm down to only two cups of coffee a day.
USING A  TONER: As I'm getting older, I'm noticing my skin has been getting duller, so I started exfoliating more frequently. What I found is that I absolutely love how sparying a mist or using a toner, really calms me skin, reducing the slight redness, and the tight feeling my skin feels after. It really leaves my skin feeling refreshed.

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you play along, leave me a note in comments, and I'll come by and check out your post and blog.


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